
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

To say that the Korean firm Samsung Mobile had a winning formula would be jumping the gun. Despite the fact that the firm is part of the much larger Samsung Group (which is composed of assorted divisions such as electronics to ship-building), the mobile (or telecommunications) division still had a lot to go straight through before it became the notable brand that it is today.

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

The mobile division's biggest hurdle was the fact that the company's prestige was lower than that of its largest competitor, Motorola. This hurdle was so huge that it got to a point that while the 1980's the firm president declared that unless the mobile division is able to yield a mobile phone that can match that of Motorola, Samsung would pull out of the mobile industry. Fortunately, the ultimatum paid off. Samsung was able to yield a great mobile phone that took advantage of Asian engineering and more importantly, engineering logic that customized the gismo to be convenient for use with Korean topography.

Beyond Korea

Despite the success they have had internally, Samsung Mobile has its goal set in the international market, and they have made it worldwide systematically. If there was one major flaw in Samsung's products, it was never the technical aspect of their phones, but their form. The Korean market is quite different than that of Europe. While the Koreans adored to have their phones shaped irregularly and a minuscule loud in terms of design, Europeans want something a minuscule more simplistic and sophisticated. Phones that were designed to be presentable in both a boardroom meeting or while a formal supper became the new yield of Samsung.

Top of the World

Originally unable to compete with Ericsson, Motorola and Nokia (the former top three), Samsung has now edged out Ericsson from the top three mobile phone manufacturers in the world, proving that their originate ideologies and engineering capabilities are truly world class. Of course, this push did not come about so easily. As part of the ultimatum stated above, the firm was forced to implement very literal, and truthful ability checks in order to break into the market. This included burning all mobile phones that failed to meet ability standards.

It is estimated that they burned 188 million Us dollars worth of devices. While this custom is not longer being implemented by Samsung, it is a testament to their devotion to producing devices of quality.

Current Standing

Aside from being one of the top three phone manufacturers, Samsung is now playing a new role in the industry, not only are they a phone manufacturer, they are now a platform developer. While Samsung's TouchWiz interface has been an impressive solution to many Os (much like Htc Sense makes Windows Mobile easier to use), the Korean firm has decided that they are going to originate something more. This December of 2009 saw the start of the Bada operating system. While no gismo has been announced for it, developers have been presented with a new, high-potential, platform that is set to see operation by 2010. While Samsung has yet to announce a gismo for the Os, we can expect to see a Bada phone pretty soon.

Samsung Mobile's Rise to Success

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